Welcome To The Borough of Loganton
"Lights For Loganton"
As the street pole Christmas decorations were being hung during the last holiday season in 2021, everyone noticed a need for new ones. In the past, the Loganton Community Club raised money for the decorations, but the Club is no longer in existence. So, the Loganton Borough Christmas Decoration Committee was formed.
In the meantime, the Committee learned of a little girl’s dream to replace the old decorations. Her name is Lucy Geyer, and she is the daughter of Jill and Cody Geyer of 82 East Main Street.
Lucy and her grandmother, Dianne Fye, along with Loganton Borough representatives, attended the Sugar Valley Concerned Citizens meeting in late January. The Borough of Loganton submitted a grant asking the Sugar Valley Concerned Citizens for monies to replace the old with new decorations. The Sugar Valley Concerned Citizens approved a $15,000 grant.
At the meeting, Lucy spoke of her dream and the need for new “Lights for Loganton.” She wanted to do posters and fundraisers. So, it was decided that any monies spent over the $15,000 would be financed by Lucy’s fundraisers.
Lucy was ecstatic. She jumped on the opportunity to ask the community to help “Deck the Streets of Loganton.” Prior to the Easter season, she asked the community to either purchase an Easter Cookie Decorating Kit or make a monetary donation. Her younger sister, Finley, assisted Lucy. Lucy raised $1,475 for her first fundraiser. Lucy’s donation, along with the grant money was enough to pay for the new street pole Christmas decorations.
Lucy wants to continue to raise money for additional decorations or anything that the Borough of Loganton needs to make it a lifelong enjoyable place to live. Lucy will be setting up a snow cone and craft stand at her grandfather Earl Weaver’s garage during the Memorial Day celebration in Loganton to raise additional funds.
The Borough of Loganton wants to say “Thank You” to everyone who is making wonderful things happen in our small community.
Pictured left to right: Borough President Myron Seyler; Lucy Geyer handing Council Member Helen Imes her fundraising money; Sugar Valley Concerned Citizen President Carla McElwain handing Council Member Judy Karstetter the $15,000 grant check; and Mayor David Shreckengast. Pictured in the background is one of the newly purchased Christmas double bell decorations.
Loganton Borough
141 North Mill Street
Loganton, PA 17747
Telephone: 570-725-2393
Fax: 570-725-2389
Email: Loganton@comcast.net